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New Doors

Why am I here, why now, what am I looking at. How do you unlock a door when there is no key. If I have no keys to open the door, there is...

Story Telling

Why is it so important to tell story. It is life and life is made of all things. The story telling began a long time ago. It was created...


Thus far I release the past, not because it was bad. Because it is time to move forward. Believe with Faith and the words of God...

End To A New Beginning

As the weather changes so must we change. Where there is light there is life, wisdom is slow to speak. God love us so much that he sent...

Let your Light Shine

Many cannot remember how far we have come in life. Always be happy for the current moment, no matter how good, bad, or indifferent life...

End To A New Beginning

Fair:  marked by impartiality and  honesty   :  free from self-interest, prejudice, or favoritism Have you ever had one of those days...

My Dream

How can I place my dream into reality. How is this possible, the picture is so vivid and deep. It was a long time in the making, now it...

Take Off

Today is the day you must relax. Take this time to enjoy yourself, and be happy for the moment, you can call your time. Take your day and...

Lasting Life

What an amazing life, the mind, body, and spirit. As a young boy my father always said if you use your brain your body will not suffer. I...

Blog: Blog2
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